Only registered producers and distilleries can apply to the GWSC.

The focus of GWSC (Global Wine and Spirits Competition) is on people and expertise. We carefully select judges who evaluate spirits. GWSC provides an opportunity to present your spirit to some of the world's most renowned judges, holding titles such as IWSC Wine Judging Committee, LSC Judging Committee, Master Sommeliers, and Masters of Wine.

Other competitions often have male-dominated judging panels, but we decided to change that. Our judging panel is approximately 50/50 male and female to fairly represent the gender distribution of consumers. Spirits are presented to the judges without labels to ensure a completely objective evaluation.

Our mission is to represent the best spirits to help achieve growth in the industry and recognition in the market. Distilleries and producers who enter GWSC have the opportunity to be featured on our GWSC Store, an online shop specializing in the presentation and sale of spirits.

The application process for GWSC is very straightforward, consisting of few steps. Below you will find all the information needed to send your spirit samples for evaluation to our judging team. If you have any questions, please contact us at, and someone from our team will be happy to assist you.

Here are the steps to register your spirits for GWSC:

Step 1 – Initial Application

  1. Register here to create your account.
  2. Log in with official details. Complete your company profile.
  3. Enter the information about the spirits you wish to submit for the competition.

Step 2 – Payment Method

  1. Online payment via CorvusPay: Select payment options on the account you previously created and choose the appropriate online payment option. Wait for payment confirmation. Once confirmed, you can access the payment receipt/invoice on your online account. After payment is completed, shipping labels will be generated on your account.

Step 3 – Delivery

  1. On your account at, click on the labels tab. Print the label available on the page and attach one to each package of spirits.

Note: The label must be attached to each package of bottles.

GWSC entry fees per sample:

€120 Super Early Bird – November 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024

€140 Early Bird – January 1, 2025, to February 20, 2025

€180 Regular fee – February 20, 2025, to April 14, 2025

Bulk discounts available:

3 to 5 samples: 10% discount

6 to 10 samples: 15% discount

11 or more samples: 20% discount

We accept Visa, Mastercard, and bank transfer.

You need to send:

• 2 bottles per entry if the bottle is 700 ml or more

• 3 bottles if the bottle is 500 ml.

Send them to the address provided on the shipping labels.

To print your shipping labels, click: Sign in to your account > Submission labels > Click the print icon and save.

Important note:

Your reference number is on the sample label, and it is crucial that the GWSC team sees the label on your box and includes one copy inside the box. Clearly mark your sample box with the submission label when sending samples.

Samples without submission labels will not be accepted.

All customs, shipping, and tax charges must be prepaid by the sample submitter, and spirits must be delivered with customs clearance. Instructions for completing the import declaration should be provided to your shipping/courier company. Select 'sender accepts all costs' on the documentation provided by your courier company. Submitters are also responsible for any import declaration fees. The logistics partner cannot accept spirits if shipping costs are not prepaid. All fines and additional costs due to non-compliance with EU declaration requirements will be borne by the submitters.

Spirits that arrive after the deadline will not be accepted, and no refunds will be issued.

The address to send your samples:

GWSC (Global Wine and Spirits Competition)

Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9

10110 Zagreb

Republic of Croatia

Applications open – November 1, 2024

Super Early Bird – November 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024

Early Bird – January 1, 2025, to February 20, 2025

Applications close – April 14, 2025

Judging dates: April 28 to April 30, 2025

Winners announced:  May  5, 2025

You can track the status of your samples in "my account" on the portal, which you created earlier.

It takes up to three days to update the sample information after we receive them.

Your registration cannot be considered for evaluation, and no results will be displayed in your account. Refunds will not be initiated under any circumstances for missed shipping deadlines. Delays caused by courier services and customs cannot be accepted as an excuse.

Spirits arriving after the deadline will not be accepted, and no refunds will be issued.

H2 How will I be notified of my results?

You will be notified of your GWSC (Global Wine and Spirits Competition) results as follows:

Congratulations on medals won via phone call and email.

Your results will be uploaded to your account on the portal.

News about the GWSC judging results will be published in the News section of the website.


An official certificate will be available for all medal winners on the account you created at, and you can download it for free in digital format from our website.

Every spirit that participated in GWSC can receive an official note and tasting recommendations for an additional fee.

Notes, comments, and recommendations can help improve the quality of spirits. These comments can also be used in your promotions, at various events, to enhance the quality of your product.

In marketing activities, it is allowed to use medals won at GWSC. However, using the GWSC trademark and logo for your own marketing purposes is not allowed.

Printed labels have no expiration date for use.

The Global Wine and Spirits Competition is judged by a panel of top spirits judges who are also consultants and experts directly involved in developing new spirits brands.

The international and domestic panel of judges holds titles such as IWSC Wine Judging Committee, Master Sommeliers, Masters of Wine, LSC Wine and Spirits Committee.

The use of individual judges' names in your marketing activities is not allowed.